more tanglung and 1/2 ming haubbq!
grandma lai said that is kai jia's hangus chicken
everyone bbq-ing
soong+ sausages+ grandma's hand
They said soong ate all the sausages alone !
soong's yummylicious jelly
(my mom said ur jelly taste superb)my gorgeous cake
chocolate Indulgence !
my family ! me + soong ..we were the models of the day !
me + y lyng
me and jia
the girls
the guys + me
the gang
kai jia and grandma cleaning up
poow poow and grandma
After that, we had wet wet wild party !
kai jia
ming hau
and my sis..
the guys
and the last group photo !
Last but not least,
Thanks Beatrice, Shu Kien, Man e, yoke lin, hui ying, darren the pretender, kal-son and may lee, see wen(u remembered!), kee joon, iggy, daniel, ning shing and foong yan for the friendster comment !
Thanks caryn, soong, shu kien,michelle,wei yoong the monkey, hwee hsin, ning shing, phoong, chan, hao tim, man e, darren, hang hui,, lin siew, y lyng, ah mee, mei chern, kal-son,annie and finally KAI JIA for the messages!!
Thanks william for the birthday song and darren for the cacated song ! should I forget the guy who wished me one week ago ? pang see wen !! haha..
and thanks to those who called.
thanks for the memories-let the good times roll
arigatou !
p/s: I'll pay back what you have done to me next time especially Mr.Ng Poow Hin !!! and grandma lai is good in doing housework..haha..grandma wearing pink !haha
me like ur skirt sista!!
hmmmm..who is the one girl who ask for more watermelon then ? haha..
caryn-ur sis have taste..haha
when I look back at the videos, I can't stop laughing ! omg !
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