Monday, July 5, 2010

I miss

I miss climbing up to 7th floor just to use the internet.

I miss getting lost on the street every wednesday.

I miss laughing non stop because everything was hillarious.

I miss having delicious breakfast at home every morning.

I miss having lunch at 2nd floor.

I miss eating ice-cream after every meal because it is very cheap.

I miss watching 2-3 episodes of dramas which food served every night.

I miss eating gyoza till I'm sick of it at the price of RM3.

I miss giving silent treatment to my little brother when he annoyed me.

I miss teasing 'grandpa' with my mother on the first few weeks.

I miss messaging people using fetion everyday before I sleep.

I miss sleeping at 9pm and wake up at 5am everyday without alarm clock.

I miss walking around Xinghai square after workshops.

I miss the laughter we shared with each other everyday.

I miss talking in our secret code.

I miss the conference hosted by W.

I miss your phone calls and text message.

I miss saying 拜拜when I hung up the phone.

I miss the person who nag me for not taking care of myself.

I miss the random conversation that would last for an hour.

I miss the person who knows what I'm doing every single night.

I miss everyone who make me miss them even more with just a simple message. :(

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