Form 6's life

The food we eat-lots of bread, junk food and nasi lemak
Well, we have to do lots of homework..Kai Jia is a good example
Classmates- Yoka, Hari,me, Azra and Tulsi
My 1st friend in 6A Izz- Y Lyng know us right ?
xinhui + sing tian
Librarian's Farewell
I wanted to take more pics but battery finish right after I took these pic ! swt ! cake from secret recipe !!!love it !
The new recipe !choc +walnut(I guess)
p/s: Desert Queen, what's the name of the cheesecake ar ?
Aunty Beh's birthday celebration
Aunty Beh's birthday celebration
The food
Wine + sparkling juice..*love the wine*
2dae only i realise Boi can copy things so fast...pui fok pui fok
I think y lyng can cover alomost the whole camera lens liao when u took it...kakaakaka
Lolz..lebih sahaja lar~~ a bun wor! at most 8/10 of the bun only lo...the another 2/10 u makan liao coz u cant tahan 1!!!! Muahahaaha....
haha..dessert queen of coz noe lar... its marble cheesecake!!!!! SATAYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!! MEEEEE!! i wan mee!!!!! n currryyyyyy!!!!!! we shall have food war posting now!! beware!!!
hahaha..caryn, I sure kalah 1 lor..I can't eat so much now !!
singtian, nvm..I look fat too..haha..nvm..we look cute and chubby
grandpa lai- I will let y lyng noe bout it and u sure kena teruk this time...hahaahaa...
huh? I got pijak u meh? no ar...
My leg still here 2 pijak leh???
Teach me la... I 1 2 learn la...
Aunty Lai: Fat is fat... cute is cute..plz separate it..
N I confirm U'RE F A T!!
Muahahaahahahaahaha..... shioks giler~~
huh? I got pijak u meh? no ar...
My leg still here 2 pijak leh???
Teach me la... I 1 2 learn la...
Aunty Lai: Fat is fat... cute is cute..plz separate it..
N I confirm U'RE F A T!!
Muahahaahahahaahaha..... shioks giler~~
ohhh ya! u can tell y lyng..i not scare coz i tell truth ma...
If she dun admit den i will smack her....wakakakakaaka....
mr.chang, excuse me ? nvm..I won't argue with u ..people like u have "unique" mind..and I don't mind u say me fat because ur opinion is NOT IMPORTANT to me !! muahahaa..I noe lar..thin ppl muz look like ur pink sifu izzit ?nvm..nvm..u learn ajaran sesat from her 1
about y lyng rite..I think she will smack u 1st before u have the chance to smack her.. =Þ
rofl rofl rofl................................................................ hahahaaaaa
Будешь делать кое-как, так и получится кое-что Не то забота, что много работы, а то забота, как ее нет. Бездельника и лентяя бог ничем не наградит. Трудоголик устаёт от безделья больше, чем бездельник от работы. Работа - это главное в жизни. Хорошую зарплату. Не каждый, пускающий дым в глаза начальству, горит на работе. Нажитое трудом потеряется бездельем.
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