Yes !
I'm talking about sex scene in Uni.
I'm not a stalker
Who asked them to perform in such a public place?
A place like the Uni's foyer ?
And a day before V day !
Everyone was staring at them.
*shake head*
This is so gross.
Do you want to have a look at it ?
I took a picture though.
lol...i tot got ppl bercumbu cumbu. mana tau tis. rofl
sex in open public, this is too much... haha
ryn, this is way too much from kissing, k ? If not I won't call it as a sex scene also. lol
sexual intercourse .. @.@ nice post
cats also know how to celebrate V day
lol true and soon I can see kittens around the foyer.
Walao. They damn daring kan? haha they like doing it out in public where people can see them haha XD
I saw another 'couple' in my college too. rolling around on the grass. Wanted to take a photo, but they suddently shy pulak. Aish. coll 1 memang tak tau malu. Everyone was staring at them and they just don't give a damn at all. tsk tsk
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